Gardena Buddhist Women’s Association
90 years ago, ten women got together to form the Gardena Bukkyo Fujinkai. The women then encouraged their families to establish the Gardena Buddhist Church. Today, we honor the spirit of our founders by continuing to expand Nembutsu Joy. We support the temple community by providing more opportunities to hear Jodo Shinshu teachings, by fostering friendship within our membership and by encouraging the growth of our Sangha.
Please consider joining the GBC BWA. No one is too young or too old to be a member. Further, we are the only fully Japanese-English bilingual group at GBC. We welcome anyone who would enjoy fellowship, supporting the Dharma and great food!
Please contact the temple office at 310-327-9400 for more information.
どうか皆さまの入会をお待ちしております。入会には、老いも若きもありません。多くの人との絆をきずき、仏様の話を聞き、美味しいものを食べて、 楽しくこの唯一の日英両語のグループである婦人会への入会をお待ちしております。
入会希望の方は、仏教会事務所までご連絡ください。電話番号は 310-327-9400 です。